Top items that most travellers forget to pack

Top items that most travellers forget to pack

What are the things not to forget when travelling? 

Imagine landing up in a foreign country without the right travel adapter, or landing up in a cold place without warm clothing.

Horrible right?

Needless to say, forgetting important things can really be a nuisance during your trip.

The items not to forget when travelling varies from person to person and trip to trip. 

So here's what we did.

We asked hundreds of travellers what are the items that they most often forget to pack.

Answer the 5 second survey below to see the responses they gave, and make sure you don't forget to pack these important things for your upcoming trip.

Smooth Travels!

Team BorderTribe

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A Towel made just for Travellers

No more packing wet and bulky towels that take forever to dry, and waste luggage space.

Check out the Travel Towel Now

Hey Traveller, Do you also make the mistake of packing your regular bath towels for your trips?

What do you do when it's time to checkout, and your towel hasn't dried yet?

Pack that soggy towel in a plastic cover, and stink up your entire bag?

Or how about when the bulky turkey towel takes up all the space in your bag?

Now you struggle to fit in all your other stuff. Plus your bag is now heavy and bulky right?

Truth be told, the Towels we use everyday are not at all suited for Travel

Gamchas/ Thin cotton towels don't absorb well, and take forever to dry

Bulky terry towels absorb well but take longer to dry. Plus they waste baggage space.

Switch to the Travel Towel Instead

No more packing wet towels

No more waiting for your towel to dry

No more packing bulky turkey towels that waste luggage space

Loved by thousands of Travellers

Check it out Now