Toiletry Bag: Everything you need to know

Toiletry Bag: Everything you need to know

Answering a few frequently asked questions on toiletry bags

What is a Toiletries Bag?

As the name says, it is a small bag used to carry just your toiletries (toothpaste, toothbrush, shampoo, facewash etc.)

Hanging Toiletry Bag

Why is it called a Toiletry bag

For the simple reason that it is used to carry your toiletry items

What is a toiletry bag used for?

Precisely for carrying your toiletries

What is the difference between a toiletry bag and a dopp bag?

Absolutely nothing. Blame it on the Americans who need a different English word for everything.

Is a Toiletry Bag Worth it

Absolutely. Here are a few reasons to own a toiletry bag

a) You don't have to search your entire bag everytime you need a shampoo or a toothpaste

b) You can conveniently carry all your your toiletries to the bathroom for use

c) Prevents your toiletries from mixing with the rest of your stuff and spoiling them (e.g. incase of a shampoo leak)

d) Having all your toiletries in one place makes it super easy for you to go through Airport Security

e) If you keep the toiletry bag pre-packed with spare toiletries, you can avoid the packing hassle on the night before the trip.

f) It is a super stylish way to carry your toiletries. It will turn a few heads when opened :)

Hanging toiletry bag

How do you carry a toiletry bag?

We recommend that you carry it in your cabin bag so that you can access your toiletries any time.

Why get a hanging toiletry bag? Are Hanging Toiletry Bags worth it? Are hanging toiletry bags better than regular ones?


For the simple reason that at some point in time, you are going to come across a tiny bathroom with no counter top or racks, or no space for keeping your toiletries. It could be at an Airbnb or at your friends place.

A handing toiletry bag can be easily hung on a hook or door handle, and you can use it like a stand to access your toiletries.

Hanging Toiletry Bag

How do you travel with a toiletry bag? 

We recommend you keep it packed with spare toiietries. When you have a trip coming up, just drop the toiletry bag in your luggage. 

Does a toiletry bag have to be clear?

Only when travelling through American Airports. We recommend you carry a regular opaque one. Why would you want your toiletries to be visible to the entire world.

You can get your own hanging toiletry bag here

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A Towel made just for Travellers

No more packing wet and bulky towels that take forever to dry, and waste luggage space.

Check out the Travel Towel Now

Hey Traveller, Do you also make the mistake of packing your regular bath towels for your trips?

What do you do when it's time to checkout, and your towel hasn't dried yet?

Pack that soggy towel in a plastic cover, and stink up your entire bag?

Or how about when the bulky turkey towel takes up all the space in your bag?

Now you struggle to fit in all your other stuff. Plus your bag is now heavy and bulky right?

Truth be told, the Towels we use everyday are not at all suited for Travel

Gamchas/ Thin cotton towels don't absorb well, and take forever to dry

Bulky terry towels absorb well but take longer to dry. Plus they waste baggage space.

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